Saturday, June 13, 2009


So im listenin to my new iPod/iPhone [^_^]

& i upload all the songs [78o] my sister had on the Ladtop

by mistake & i hit a song that to0k me bck to 2o03

0oh what a year that was & the followin

so0 this song to0k me bck into the time

of my first LoVe [how gay . . . i know]

can y0u believe that i was tearing

not quite sure why i was

as the tear drops fall from my eye

& dance its way down my face

i froze in nostalgic time & was havin

flash bckz all krazy to the first time we lock eyes

to the time we last share thoughs which was 20o7 [in the begining]

this mite sound werid . . .

but it felt go0d when i was crying o_0

i know i dont understand it as while

i would like to hear from him again

juz to know how he's doing & to tell him that

the girl he's wit better be making him happy

But see he's not the only person that comes to mind

once i hear a song that makes me travel

itz like there name is next to the song title

->Aventura-te Amo -Maria<- [ex.]

& itz only 3 people that do that to me

the questioning that was flying throu my thou

is this a bad thing 0_o ???

cuz for those 3:o0 min. & so of the song

my mind is working on that person

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful. At now point should you think this a negative vibe at all. It is normal to feel this way and most of the time the damn thing just creeps up on you. The reason you cried could be for many things but I would think it was because along with the tune memories were reopened that were once thought to be closed.
    It's amazing the power of music can have on one and the positive and negative emotions it can release.
    I do feel the experience you had was a special one and one experience that you had between you and your mind.

    - KM
